About myself: I play video games, some of my favorites are probably night in the woods dead by daylight and hypnospace outlaw (The whole reason im even on this site) oh and deltarune is pretty good too, good soundtrack I also am a fan of digital art which i think im alright at and i mainly draw animal dudes and goblins online i mainly depict myself as a brown bear looking thing because they are easier to draw than people. In terms of what i watch i tend to watch what everyone else is watching and think im unique because i did it slightly earlier than everyone else even though i subconsciously watched the show because i saw a popular post about it a week before, but i do like some stuff on youtube mainly matt and ryan from supermega (give them a watch) and oneyplays which are basically one in the same except one does vlogs and damages their bodies until they need surgery for it. at this point im kinds running out of ideas for what to write in this area but there is one more thing, im going to do a creative media course at my college which involves filming, editing and making movies so if i ever become world famous and someone finds this page put this up on online and brag about it. (page last updated 4th August 2022)